Thursday 23 February 2012

An appeal to George Lucas

Dear George,

7 long years... 7 years since the last 'new' Star Wars film came out. Yes, there have been re-releases and I went to see the most recent 3D version of  'The Phantom Menace' at the cinema, just last week, with two of my sons. They experienced the big screen Star Wars phenomenon for the first time. But now we need some new stuff... or even just a commitment or a plan for some new stuff.

Now I know what you are going to say. We have the 'Clone Wars' animated series and the new shows with real people that you are filming/ planning to film at the moment. But these, as far as I am aware, are to be set within the time-scale of the six original films. We; that is the Star Wars hungry people on planet Earth want to see what really happened after Darth Vader died. What happened to Luke? Did the Jedi numbers start to grow again or did the Sith Lords take over?

Of course, you are committed to releasing 3D versions of all 6 films and I would imagine if you were to release one a year, no new films could come out until 2018 at the very earliest... But could we please have a hint? Are you planning a new sequel trilogy to Star Wars. i.e. episodes 7, 8 & 9?

I know you have been asked this question many times before; but the public are starved of good scifi on the big screen and to be honest we would just be happy to know it was coming. Please George... give us a hint.

All right... If you can't and should the franchise be losing its appeal from your perspective, perhaps you are considering new challenges? In which case I do have the perfect solution...

A new scifi concept for the next ten years. It's quite good you know... might be worth taking a peek...

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